new moon ...

5 Tips for the New Moon

The new moon is the darkest time of the month, at least at night. It is the time when the moon is closest to the sun.

The moon cannot be seen in the daytime sky because of the brightness of the sun. In the mornings a few days before the new moon, a crescent can be seen in the Eastern sky, and a couple of days after the new moon, a crescent is seen in the West just after sunset.

The new moon is a good time to plant seeds for the future. Follow these 5 tips to make the most of this powerful time.

1. If you want something to grow (like a new business or relationship), begin after the new moon. If you want something to diminish (like losing weight, closing a business, or ending a relationship), take steps about a week before the new moon.

2. For two or three days before a new moon, and for at least 12 hours after (a day is better), don't take any significant action if you can help it. Do set your intentions. Visualize and imagine what you want to grow in your life.

3. Take the first steps for action after the new moon - day or two after (avoid void moons, of course). These can be very small steps, such as a phone call, a minor purchase, or some other symbolic beginning.

4. For a week after the new moon, give gentle direction to your projects, but don't push too hard. Let things develop naturally. Think as if you are tending seedlings that are just beginning to sprout through the soil.

5. The new moon is a very internal, quiet time. Go with the flow and turn inwards. It's a great time to discover what you really want to create in your life. It's also a great time meditate and do dream work.

The new moon is a powerful time of the month - but the power is directed inwards rather than outwards. Learn to feel the difference between the energies of the new and full moons.

by Armand Diaz -